• Child care

    Child care

    We are committed to providing staff of the highest callibre as a result of which your family will receive the best possible child care.

We are committed to providing staff of the highest callibre as a result of which your family will receive the best possible child care. Employing a suitable child minder requires appropriate staff selection to ensure the person integrated well with your family. We offer an individual client approach, tailoring qualifications, experience and personality of our minders to you specific family profile. Our child care staff are highly qualified competent persons. They all go through our exacting selection procedure, which includes references, state of health and clean legal records checking.


The Nanny also provides a safe friendly environment for the child, but will also be responsible for defined and agreed daily household tasks such as tidying, washing and meal preparation.

Child minder

Being a parent, especially when the child is still very young, is generally a 24/7  affair. But  now and then, Mums and Dads need a bit of prime time for themselves. If you wish to go out, change your locality for  a time or just take a break to be on your own for a bit, get our Minder to help you.

Post Natal Assistant

The Post Natal Assistant is  qualified and experienced in baby care and can help the Mum who has just given birth to look after the baby (and the fresh Mum) for the first four to eight or more weeks after birth.
She will be on hand not just to help look after the new baby, but also to provide advice and guidance if needed, look after the daily routine of feeding, sleep, weight control, bathing and hygiene and the like.


There are drivers and drivers. Ours’ are experienced professionals  with advanced skills and qualifications to match.

• The  driver can relieve overworked parents by taking over some of their chores
• The driver’s main responsibility and concern is safe travel
• Our drivers know how to navigate without getting lost
• The driver looks after the car.

Help in Nursery Schools and Playgroups

We also offer help for children for Playgroups and Nursery Schools. We have at our disposal qualified professionals who can be a vital resource for working in such pre-school environments. The owners of Nursery Schools and Playgroups can profit from utilizing this source of young child care professionals.


The tutor, as a private teacher, usually with formal qualifications, is responsible for enhancing the child’s educational achievements. At the same time the tutor is responsible for developing the child’s intellectual capability, social skills and creativeness. Because of the dedicated nature of the tutor:child  relationship knowledge and educational skills are attained more quickly than in a school class environment.

The tutor’s responsibilities include:

• Planning, teaching and monitoring an agreed course of study.
• Helping the child with reading skills, with organizing information, time management and preparing for tests in the acquired skills.
• Attaining realistic scholastic goals and improving skills which should be at a higher level.
• Helping the child in cases of identified special needs.
• Ensuring “stretch” education using advanced materials for exceptionally gifted children who express the interest to learn more.
• Enhancing the self-confidence of the pupil in coping with his or her learning tasks.
• Helping the  child to catch up or make good weak spots which have resulted from a change in the educational programme.
• Teaching social skills and etiquette.